EPA Penalizes Clearwater Forest Industries Over $20,000 for Clean Water Act Violations


The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency has announced that Clearwater Forest Industries LLC of Kooskia will pay $23,950 for violations of the Clean Water Act.

According to a news release, the facility had a total of 23 violations of their Multi-Sector General Permit for stormwater discharges associated with industrial activity, including failure to maintain stormwater control measures; maintain a complete Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan map; submit monthly Discharge Monitoring Reports; submit the 2019 Annual Report on time; and complete inspection report forms.

The facility, which is located within the Nez Perce Indian Reservation, discharges stormwater into the South Fork of the Clearwater River, which is popular for recreation and is a tributary of the Snake River. The stretch of the river where the facility operates is considered an impaired waterway due in part to sedimentation, which can be worsened by pollutants from industrial lumber operations, likw wood shavings and oily residue.

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