LOID to meet over well repair needs


The Lewiston Orchards Irrigation District has scheduled an emergency meeting for 5 p.m. today (Thur) at the Central Orchards Sewer District office at 1522 Powers Ave. to authorize the expenditure of funds to repair Well 4 at Hereth Park.

District Manager Barney Metz says the domestic water well recently started having electrical equipment problems that require the pulling of the pump from the well shaft for assessment. The district maintains a fund for such emergencies, but board authorization is required to spend the money. He estimated the job would cost between $50,000 and $100,000.

Metz says the well equipment has been in service for about 14 years with no issues, and is at or near the end of its lifespan. Officials say repairs could take several months depending on how long it takes to have parts shipped. However, water delivery shouldn’t be affected as long as repairs are completed by next spring.  (Lewiston Tribune)
