No resolution between St. Joe’s, Regence as deadline looms


An impasse in ongoing negotiations between Regence BlueShield of Idaho and St. Joseph Regional Medical Center means the carrier’s insurance plans could soon no longer be accepted at the Lewiston hospital. St. Joe’s last year notified Regence of its intention to leave the insurer’s network if a deal isn’t reached by midnight tonight (WED), affecting more than 15-thousand area residents covered by Regence. The disconnect is over how much the nonprofit insurer pays the for-profit medical center for hospital and physician services. Those affected would be subject to much higher out-of-pocket costs for care at the hospital if a resolution isn’t reached by tonight’s (WED) deadline. St. Joe’s says work continues to reach a contract agreement with Regence for hospital and physician services that is fair to both parties. If no deal is made, most care would be billed as out-of-network for Regence subscribers, with exceptions some emergencies and severe car accidents. (Lewiston Morning Tribune)