Western wildfires send smoke across the region


Wildfire smoke continues to blanket the region as fires burn across the West.

South of Riggins, crews have kept the Rattlesnake Creek Fire in check, as it has seen minimal growth the last few days. The blaze along Highway 95 has held at about 4,400 acres and remains 42 percent contained.

Crews on Tuesday continued their patrols on the northern, eastern, and western containment lines and made good progress on chipping brush piles created by suppression activities along the Highway 95 corridor.  Wednesday crews continue to patrol and mop up along containment lines.  Indirect handline on the western flank will continue to be improved while helicopters are used to cool hot spots along the fire edge.

Pre-evacuation orders remain in effect for some residents.

Elsewhere in Idaho, the Mesa Fire southeast of Council is about 55 percent contained. The blaze has burned some 34,000 acres of tall grass, brush, and timber. Crews are preparing for continued hot temperatures and gusty winds by Friday.

The Sharps Fire in central Idaho covers some 64,000 acres just east of Bellevue. The human-caused fire is 60 percent contained.

In Washington state, a wildfire has scorched more than 5,000 acres just west of Spokane. More than 500 personnel have the Angel Springs Fire near Davenport 35 percent contained. Level 2 and 3 evacuation orders have been issued for some residents.

Farther West, firefighters are battling a 9,200-acre blaze in the Wenatchee National Forest. The Cougar Creek Fire isn’t expected to be fully contained for over a month. More than 800 personnel are battling the lightning-caused fire.

Other wildfires continue to burn in northern and central Idaho, Western Washington, Oregon, and western Montana. (USFS)

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