Corps: No swimming at Clarkston’s Chestnut Beach


The public is advised to not swim or play in shoreline Snake River water along the Chestnut Recreation Area near Clarkston after routine weekly testing results showed elevated levels of fecal bacteria.

The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers says that as a precaution, warning signs will be posted near the shoreline.

Initial water-testing results received on Friday revealed fecal bacteria counts of 220 per each 100 milliliters of sample.  That figure exceeds the 126 per 100 milliliters that is deemed safe for swimming areas by Washington state health officials.  The Corps says the contamination likely developed because of waterfowl feces, combined with recent higher seasonal temperatures.

Additional water samples were to be taken Monday.

While boating and fishing in nearby areas remain unaffected, officials recommend that fish caught in waters near the swim beach should be thoroughly cleaned and fully cooked before eating.  (U.S. Army Corps of Engineers)