National tax-reform group targets Idaho Rep. Labrador in ad campaign


A new tax-reform lobbying group is targeting Idaho U.S. Representative Raúl Labrador in a television advertising campaign.

Idahoans will start seeing the ads on local and cable stations starting Thursday.  The ads are paid for by Citizens for Responsible Tax Reform.  A spokesman says with the introduction of the House’s tax reform bill, the group was created to remind voters of the promises that their representatives and senators made them when they were running for election about the dangers of the national debt.

Labrador was targeted because of his long career of standing up for fiscal responsibility, and the group hopes he does that again.

Texas billionaires John and Laura Arnold are bankrolling the new nationwide lobbying effort, which in October featured print advertisements targeting Republicans in 20 states.

Meanwhile, Labrador is giving up his congressional seat next year to run for governor in Idaho.  (Idaho Statesman)

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